
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Daily Prayer to the Hockey Gods

Dear Messrs. Hockey Gods,

Oh wow! Ask and ye shall receive, eh? A reader has asked that I continue to do this until the end of the regular season, so it looks like we'll be chatting some more over for the next little while.

Now, you and I both know that Sean Avery is an idiot, and while it's not like me to ask for him to slip in his hotel room and break an ankle or something like that, I'd like to at least ask for an Edmonton win tonight and push Sean's team further out of the playoffs. I mean, we don't really want his antics in the postseason anyway, right?

And for good measure, can we also get a Phoenix win over San Jose?

Merci buckets,

posted by J.J. Guerrero, 6:54 AM


At March 30, 2006 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An Edmonton win? You can't be serious...L.A. is hanging on by a bare thread, and can only really afford 2 losses to still make the playoffs. Vancouver will hopefully hand them one of those.

The real concern is that Edmonton might bump us either out of a slot or down a peg. We want Edmonton to LOSE!

At March 30, 2006 6:17 PM, Blogger J.J. Guerrero said...

^ That's a very good point.

I suppose I was thinking more of getting LA out of the picture earlier. If Edmonton wins, we're tied in the standings (including in games played) and the Canucks win the tiebreaker by virtue of having more wins.

At March 30, 2006 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see what you were thinking, it's just the Kings are so buried that rooting against them would be piling on. But it's 4-0 in the 2nd so I think the HGs listend to you anyway.

Go Coyotes!

At March 30, 2006 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

j.j., you are my hero
phoenix and edmonton wins!
if i was there, i'd kiss you
and may lightning strike down sean avery before monday


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