Monday, June 19, 2006
Vigneault En Route To Vancouver
Alain Vigneault was seen boarding a flight from Ottawa to Vancouver tonight (Sunday). Obviously Dave Nonis would like to have someone secured in the head coaching position before Saturday's Entry Draft, and Vigneault has been in the running for the Canucks' job for some time. Is this why he left for the West Coast so early? Stay tuned.Take this for whatever it's worth, but with the new coach rumored to be announced tomorrow, this is interesting fodder. Or maybe we're just that starved for Canucks-related news.
[update: 06/20/06, 9:42 AM]
TSN and Sportsnet are now reporting that Vigneault is indeed the successful candidate. A press conference has been called for 1 PM today.
Comments/Questions: Feel free to post in the comments section or email me at gocanucksgo10 (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Technorati Tags: NHL, hockey, Vancouver, Canucks, Alain+Vigneault
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